Mayotte Travel Guide: All you need to know to visit Mayotte in 2024
Welcome to Mayotte

Mayotte country information

Mayotte, officially known as the Department of Mayotte, is a French overseas department in the Indian Ocean. It is also home to a rich blend of cultures and traditions, making it a unique destination with a fascinating history and vibrant atmosphere.


Mayotte is located in the Indian Ocean, off the southeastern coast of Africa. It is situated between the northern tip of Madagascar and the eastern coast of Mozambique. Mayotte has two main islands, Grande-Terre and Petite-Terre, and several smaller islets. As an overseas department of France, Mayotte uses the euro as its currency. Geographically, Mayotte is part of the Comoro Islands archipelago, composed of several islands, with Mayotte being the largest. Its coordinates are approximately 12.8275°S latitude and 45.1662°E longitude.


Mayotte experiences a tropical climate characterized by high temperatures and humidity throughout the year. The island enjoys two distinct seasons: a hot and wet season and a cooler and drier season. The hot and wet season, known as the Austral summer, lasts from November to April, bringing heavy rainfall and occasional cyclones. During this period, temperatures range from 25°C to 32°C, and humidity levels can be pretty high. The cooler and drier season, known as the Austral winter, occurs from May to October, with temperatures of 20°C-28°C (68°F and 82°F). This season experiences less rainfall and offers more pleasant weather conditions, with gentle sea breezes relieving the heat. The island’s proximity to the Indian Ocean influences its climate, contributing to its warm temperatures and abundant rainfall.


Mayotte’s economy is primarily based on agriculture, fishing, and services. Agriculture is vital in Mayotte’s Economy, with the main agricultural activities producing vanilla, ylang-ylang, and cloves. These crops are exported and contribute to Mayotte’s income. The fishing industry is also essential, providing employment and a source of food for the population. Mayotte’s strategic location in the Indian Ocean has attracted investments in the services sector, including tourism, trade, and finance. Tourism has grown steadily, with the island’s beautiful beaches, coral reefs, and diverse marine life attracting visitors. The French government provides substantial financial support to Mayotte, which benefits from being an overseas department of France. However, the island still faces challenges like high unemployment rates and a significant informal economy. Efforts are being made to promote sustainable development and improve infrastructure to further stimulate economic growth in Mayotte.


Mayotte has a population that is predominantly of Comorian origin. The island’s people have increased recently, with a high fertility rate and significant immigration from neighbouring Comoros. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the estimated population of Mayotte was around 270,372 people. Most of the population follows Islam as their primary religion, and Mahorian, a Swahili dialect, is widely spoken alongside French, the official language. Mayotte has a relatively young population, with a significant proportion under 20. The island faces challenges related to population growth, such as providing adequate infrastructure, healthcare, and education services.


Mayotte’s government operates under the framework of the French government. The local administration is headed by a Prefect, who represents the French state and ensures the enforcement of laws and regulations. The Prefect is assisted by a departmental council and a council of mayors, which play advisory roles in local governance. Mayotte also elects representatives to the French National Assembly and the French Senate. The island is integrated into the French legal system, and French law applies in Mayotte. As a French overseas department, Mayotte benefits from French social welfare programs, including access to healthcare, education, and social services. The French provide support to the island for infrastructure development and economic initiatives.


Mayotte’s culture is a vibrant mix of African, Comorian, and French influences, reflecting its unique history and geographical location. The traditional Comorian culture plays a significant role in Mayotte, with strong ties to the Swahili language, music, dance, and folklore. Traditional celebrations and rituals, such as weddings and circumcision ceremonies, are still practised and valued. The island also embraces French culture, with French being widely spoken and French cuisine enjoyed alongside traditional Comorian dishes. The arts, including music and poetry, are essential in Mayotte’s cultural scene. Islam is the dominant religion and shapes many aspects of daily life, from religious practices to social customs. Mayotte’s cultural diversity, traditions, and breathtaking natural beauty create a captivating tapestry that fascinates locals and visitors alike.


Mayotte is a multilingual society with several languages spoken on the island. The official language is French, as Mayotte is an overseas department of France. French is used in government, education, and formal settings. However, most of the population speaks Mahorian, a Swahili dialect that Arabic and French have influenced. Mahorian is widely spoken daily and serves as a lingua franca among the diverse communities in Mayotte. Additionally, various Comorian languages, including Shimaore, Shimwali, and Shindzwani, are spoken by specific ethnic groups, maintaining their cultural and linguistic heritage. These languages reflect the Comorian roots of the population and contribute to the rich linguistic tapestry of Mayotte.


Mayotte’s population is predominantly Muslim, with Islam being the dominant religion on the island. Most of the population follows Sunni Islam, and Islamic traditions and practices deeply influence Mayotte’s social and cultural fabric. Mosques are prominent and essential community gathering places for prayers and religious events. Islamic customs, such as fasting during Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr celebrations, and adherence to Islamic dietary laws, are widely observed. Islamic values and teachings play a significant role in shaping the daily lives and moral compass of the people of Mayotte. However, Mayotte’s religious landscape is diverse, and small Christian and Hindu communities on the island contribute to its religious pluralism.

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No, Mayotte is not part of the Schengen Area, but Schengen countries can travel to Mayotte without a visa with a national ID.

No, travelling to France or other Schengen countries with the Mayotte visa is impossible. You will require a Schengen visa instead.

Only some nationals from certain countries can do so; this includes India, Russia, Oman etc.

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